
On Sunday, Feb. 2, a coalition of 23 Tribal organizations and intertribal councils representing the majority of sovereign American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Nations formally called on the President, members of Congress, and the Interior Secretary to uphold federal treaty and trust obligations. Their letter urges federal officials to consult with Tribal Nations and protect critical funding following recent executive actions that negatively impact Tribal programs.

We at AIPI are excited to continue our work on tribally-driven research and policy solutions into 2023. One important part of work is researching and publishing our monthly policy update, and we are currently developing a new quarterly format to present that information. Up until now, we have published a monthly comprehensive document covering a wide range of activity from Congress, federal agencies, and the Arizona legislature. Our new quarterly policy update will now cover a three month period, and will be designed to focus on important actions affecting Indian Country.

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