Reflection & Intention

Kristen Talbert

Indigenous Leadership Academy Program Coordinator

The Indigenous Leadership Academy blog is taking a hiatus for the month of January 2022. There are many exciting things to come and we are busy preparing for it all. Wishing you the best this holiday season!

The end of the year is a great time for reflection and intention. Reflecting on the past year’s accomplishments, what was done well, and what could have been done better can help you to see all that you have done. Setting intentions for the upcoming year and having goals and a vision in mind for what you want to accomplish will help start your roadmap to completing those goals. Leadership will always have a balance of looking back on where you came from and looking forward to where you are going. 

Over the past ten months, I have personally grown in ways I couldn’t have imagined. For one, I started this blog. I remember specifically writing about my fears of starting a blog in a class I was taking this past spring. I was nervous that no one would read the blog, that my topics would be uninteresting, and that I would run out of things to blog about. Upon reflecting, that couldn’t be further from the truth. None of those things happened and I have plenty more to discuss in this upcoming year. 

This is my eighteenth blog post. I am planning and scheduling the upcoming year’s blog post schedule and I hope to have more collaborations, more insights from both an Indigenous and business perspective, and share more about the Indigenous Leadership Academy as the inaugural cohort that will start in 2022.  

Upon reflecting on the Indigenous Leadership Academy and the blog, the biggest lesson I learned was to do something new, even if it scares you. As my colleague, Beth Santistevan says, “If you’re never scared, then you’re never growing.”

Henana, pidamaya ye (that is all, thank you). Kristen